How can an ecommerce seo consultant help me improve my website's user experience?

There are many ways to use SEO to improve the user experience, and here are 5 of them, focused on creating quality content. The credibility of internal and external links.

How can an ecommerce seo consultant help me improve my website's user experience?

There are many ways to use SEO to improve the user experience, and here are 5 of them, focused on creating quality content. The credibility of internal and external links. If you offer Craftmatic, you'll be inclined to create a category page for Craftmatic adjustable beds, with an estimated 1900 searches per month. Even if you went to the next level and created a subcategory page for “Beds” (with about 112,000 searches), you would still try to position yourself for something that would be very difficult to achieve.

You're expanding the reach of your keywords, which is always good for SEO, since you'll have plenty of other opportunities to maintain your organic traffic. You never know when you might lose that top 3 spot in “Beds”. SEO for e-commerce is a strategy that helps web retailers rank higher in search engine results. A well-designed and optimized website with high-quality content will rank better on search engines such as Google, increasing the visibility of your store and generating traffic.

People are always busy, trying to perform tasks while waiting in line or during the lunch break. Establish a more meaningful relationship with customers by personalizing content. Provide suggestions based on previous transactions. Help people find products they're more likely to approve.

Not only does this speed up the buying process, but it also completes a sale in the shortest possible time. This page perfectly combines SEO and user experience by including the target keywords within a multifaceted design: on an e-commerce category page, where it is very difficult to achieve SEO-friendly page text without hiding it at the bottom of the page (where it is devalued for SEO) OR placing it at the top of the page (where products go down and, therefore, could harm conversions). Since e-commerce deals with sensitive personal and financial data, consider choosing WordPress e-commerce plugins and extensions that protect your website. To take an in-depth look at CWV maintenance and the relationship between SEO and UX design, check out this presentation on UX, Core Vitals and SEO.

An SEO team with experience in e-commerce can help you analyze these elements, maximizing your organic exposure based on what customers are looking for and the information they need to help them buy from you. However, unlike SEO for content-focused websites, SEO for e-commerce is more than just adding keywords, writing blog posts, and getting links.

Matt Jackson
Matt Jackson

Matt Jackson is an ecommerce SEO expert based in the United Kingdom. He has over 10 years of experience in SEO consulting, and has worked with over 233 e-commerce websites during that time. You can contact him via email at

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