What strategies does an ecommerce seo consultant use to improve rankings?

SEO for e-commerce is a strategy that helps web retailers rank higher in search engine results. A well-designed and optimized website with high-quality content will rank better on search engines such as Google, which will increase the visibility of your store and generate traffic.

What strategies does an ecommerce seo consultant use to improve rankings?

SEO for e-commerce is a strategy that helps web retailers rank higher in search engine results. A well-designed and optimized website with high-quality content will rank better on search engines such as Google, which will increase the visibility of your store and generate traffic. With lots of category and product pages, it's easy to collect hundreds or thousands of keywords relevant to an e-commerce site. Exporting your keyword data to spreadsheets to compile and process them into an organized list is a great way to identify keywords and then develop strategies to improve your rankings.

SEO for e-commerce requires ongoing research and analysis to improve and maintain keyword rankings. Not only are fast load times essential for a great user experience, but they also have a significant impact on search rankings. In our experience, a load time of 100 to 200 milliseconds is a solid reference point. Keep your website clean by continuously monitoring Google Search Console (formerly known as Google webmaster tools).

Site errors can include broken links, indexed 404 pages, or errors in the site map files, to name a few. While not all errors are created equal, resolving them improves Google's ability to index your site and can positively affect search rankings. From a content perspective, treat category pages as individual home pages. By this we mean optimizing your content (H1, links, etc.).

This will allow for a broader sense of content and will increase your chances of positioning yourself in slightly broader terms. Although on-site searching isn't a specific SEO tactic, it's an essential feature of the website that affects how customers find products. When it comes to your product pages, place the keywords with a high internal search volume in H1 & H2s, as well as the body of the text and the meta descriptions. This will help you focus on keywords and place the product on search engine results pages.

Google is known to implement at least 2 or 3 major algorithm changes every year. The latest updates prioritized sites that are compatible with mobile devices and with the HTTPS protocol. A delay of just 1 second in site load time can reduce conversions by 7 percent. If your e-commerce store takes more than 10 seconds to load, it's a sign that your site requires speed optimization.

Tools like Ahrefs give you powerful and comprehensive tools for conducting keyword research, including the keywords that your competitors are using. While it's a paid tool, it can save you a great deal of time and provide you with valuable information. Speaking of navigation, there is another form of navigation that is often overlooked and that can affect the SEO of your e-commerce and the usability of the site. A strong e-commerce SEO strategy is crucial to maximizing organic visibility in search engines, outperforming the competition in search results, and maximizing the number of new customers that come organically from Google and other major search engines.

There are ways to sort and filter your keyword data so that you can quickly find keywords intended for e-commerce, organize them all in a spreadsheet and reduce them to a list of the ones you want to focus your SEO campaign on improving. With more than 5.6 billion searches per day, that is, 63,000 searches per second on any given day, according to Search Engine Land, investing in SEO for e-commerce can help you grow your business and get there. This SEO tip for e-commerce is specifically aimed at improving your shopper's experience on your website. This can end up costing more money if you need to hire an e-commerce development company to help you update the plugins to avoid technical SEO problems that can wreak haVOC on search results.

Most e-commerce sites use SEO in some way, whether managed and performed in-house or by an SEO agency. Since organic traffic is still one of the most viable sources of income for an e-commerce site and generates around 33% of traffic, companies benefit significantly from investing the right resources in an SEO campaign focused on e-commerce. As one of the pioneering web companies in offering SEO services for e-commerce, OuterBox has acquired unparalleled skills and knowledge about search engine optimization. However, unlike SEO for content-focused websites, SEO for e-commerce is more than just adding keywords, writing blog posts, and getting links.

That means that for every 100 new visitors that Competitive Cyclist gets from its e-commerce SEO efforts, it gets nearly three sales. If your site is already up and running, there are plenty of free and paid online tools you can use to perform a quick ecommerce SEO audit. Moz has tips on how to manage faceted navigation if you're a large e-commerce site working to improve e-commerce SEO optimization. .

Matt Jackson
Matt Jackson

Matt Jackson is an ecommerce SEO expert based in the United Kingdom. He has over 10 years of experience in SEO consulting, and has worked with over 233 e-commerce websites during that time. You can contact him via email at info@matt-jackson.com

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