What are some best practices for localizing content when working with an ecommerce seo consultant?

So, as you embark on your global expansion journey, consider the following e-commerce localization best practices: Research your audience and your native market. Choose the correct currency, measurement units and size.

What are some best practices for localizing content when working with an ecommerce seo consultant?

So, as you embark on your global expansion journey, consider the following e-commerce localization best practices: Research your audience and your native market. Choose the correct currency, measurement units and size. SEO is as relevant to e-commerce localization as it is to national marketing campaigns. Translating search terms is not enough.

You'll need to conduct keyword and competition research for each unique region and target language. Now that you've translated your e-commerce site, customers need to find you, and one of the best ways to do that is to get a good position in international SEO. To execute your e-commerce localization strategy, you'll need to choose the right e-commerce platform, comply with international laws, pay attention to pricing and payment options, and more.

Matt Jackson
Matt Jackson

Matt Jackson is an ecommerce SEO expert based in the United Kingdom. He has over 10 years of experience in SEO consulting, and has worked with over 233 e-commerce websites during that time. You can contact him via email at info@matt-jackson.com

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